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2024 John Lions Computer Science Honours Award at UNSW, Australia

John Lions Computer Science Honours Award at UNSW

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) stands out in tech and engineering. In 2024, it offers the John Lions Computer Science Honours Award to outstanding students. This Computer Science Honours UNSW prize provides $15,000, helping students explore complex systems and open source projects.

It targets top students, both from Australia and abroad. These students must be in their final year of studies like Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) or Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering (Honours). To qualify for the UNSW Computer Science Award, candidates need a WAM of 75 or above and High Distinction in systems-related courses. They should focus their thesis on Operating Systems.

The John Lions Computer Science Honours Award is more than just money. It’s a nod to students’ hard work and skill. Applications open on May 29, 2024, and close on July 26, 2024. This opportunity is detailed on the UNSW scholarships platform, welcoming talented computer science students worldwide.

Introduction to the John Lions Computer Science Honours Award at UNSW

The John Lions Award UNSW is named after a prominent academic, John Lions. His great work in computer science still impacts the field today. This Computer Science Honours Award at UNSW is for students who excel in their studies. It focuses on those interested in Systems and open-source projects.

Since it started, the UNSW Honours Award has helped many computer science students shape their careers. It offers substantial financial aid. This support lets students explore advanced research and innovation during their honours year at UNSW Engineering.

The award honors the legacy of John Lions and UNSW’s commitment to academic excellence. John Lions wrote ‘The Lions Book’ in May 1976 at UNSW Sydney. It’s a key text in software. After he died in December 1998, UNSW paid tribute to him. They established the John Lions Chair of Operating Systems and built Lions Garden outside the Computer Science Building.

Eligible for the UNSW John Lions Award are both local and international students aiming for their honours year. Candidates must meet high academic standards. This includes having an HD grade in courses like Operating Systems at UNSW or contributing to research projects like LionsOS or the seL4 Microkernel. This selectiveness ensures the award’s prestige remains high.

The John Lions Award UNSW offers financial help and academic recognition. It honors a computer science legend and pushes students toward exciting tech careers. It keeps UNSW at the forefront of computer science education.

Evaluating the Eligibility Criteria for the John Lions Award UNSW

The John Lions Computer Science Honours Award at UNSW is given to standout students in computer science. It has a tough selection process. Only those with top academic and research skills make the cut.

Required Academic Achievements

Candidates for the UNSW John Lions Award must have excellent grades, with a WAM of 75 or more. They also need to shine in systems courses, aiming for the highest distinction. This ensures they’re ready for the award’s challenges.

Eligibility for Different Programs

Many programs at UNSW’s School of Engineering qualify for the Computer Science Honours Award. Honours students in Computer Science, Advanced Computer Science, and Engineering fields like Computer, Software, or Bioinformatics can apply. This opens the door for many talented students.

Thesis Requirements and Field of Study Focus

The John Lions Award UNSW centers on Operating Systems. Each thesis must focus on creating, testing, or improving them. This special focus helps advance knowledge and innovation in a key computer science area. The committee looks for dedication and skill in systems studies.

John Lions Computer Science Honours Award at UNSW: Scholarship Value and Benefits

The John Lions Computer Science Honours Award at UNSW is a significant financial incentive. It’s well-recognized in academia and by future computer scientists. This award is a mark of excellence in computer science.

Financial Support Offered by the Award

This award gives out $15,000, aimed at covering academic expenses. This major support lets students concentrate on their studies and research. With this help, they won’t worry about money.

As a key benefit of the UNSW Award, it motivates students in the Computer Science Honours UNSW program to excel in their projects and studies.

Additional Benefits for Honours Students

Winners of the John Lions Computer Science award get noticed. And this recognition opens doors to more opportunities in their studies and futures. It showcases their achievements and raises their profile in tech and research.

The John Lions Computer Science honours award offers more than money; it supports the next tech leaders. It lays a strong base for their future successes in both school and the work world.

The Application Process for the UNSW Honours Award

Applying for the John Lions Award at UNSW is a detailed journey. It aims to find the most deserving students for the Computer Science Honours Award. You start by signing up through the UNSW’s official portal. Make sure you meet the initial requirements, which include good grades and a strong interest in computer systems.

Next, you have to fill in forms about your grades and passion for computer systems. It’s key to show your strength in computer science. This is crucial for the UNSW John Lions Award. Also, show how you plan to push the field of systems forward. Mention any related projects or research you’ve done.

The heart of the application is your thesis topic on operating systems. It’s a key focus for the John Lions Award at UNSW. Your thesis idea must be new and show you know the subject deeply. It should aim to add new knowledge to the field.

All paperwork must be turned in by July 26, 2024. Don’t be late; it means your application won’t be considered. It’s critical to check your documents carefully and meet the deadline. Approach your application carefully and accurately. This way, you can compete for this respected Computer Science Honours Award.

The application is designed to be tough. It seeks top scholars focused on making a difference in computer science through system-oriented research. Those who get through this complex process show they’re not just smart. They also truly care about the field, which is what the UNSW John Lions Award is all about.

Complementary Scholarships

Besides the John Lions Computer Science Honours Award at UNSW, UNSW provides many other scholarships. These are created to support students in different ways. They aim to promote academic success in various areas of study.

UNSW works hard to make a learning space that rewards hard work and helps with school costs. The scholarships help not just Computer Science students but those in other fields too. This way, they make a big difference in many areas like engineering and health.

These scholarships also tie in with research projects at the university. In the School of Computer Science and Engineering, students can explore new things in areas like artificial intelligence. This gives UNSW Honours Award winners a chance to use what they know and be innovative.

To get one of these scholarships, you need good grades, just like the John Lions Computer Science Honours Award at UNSW requires. It shows UNSW’s focus on supporting highly talented students. These students are expected to do great things in their fields.

UNSW’s wide range of scholarships shows its dedication to a strong, diverse academic community. This environment helps the university stand out globally. It encourages students to excel and to try new, creative projects.


The John Lions Computer Science Honours Award at UNSW does more than help financially. It shows a strong move towards academic brilliance and the growth of new tech. With $15,000 given every year, this award lessens money worries for its winners. This lets them put all their effort into their studies and research in systems and open-source projects.

This award shows the high quality of students it draws. It proves UNSW‘s commitment to top-notch academic research. Students who apply between 29/05/2024 and 26/07/2024 join the ranks of the Science Faculty’s best. The UNSW Computer Science Award is on par with other major scholarships. It shows UNSW‘s broad support for many academic areas.

At its core, the John Lions Award UNSW fuels the dreams of driven students. They’re set to leave a mark in the tech world. These students will help advance operating systems, potentially changing our future tech landscape. UNSW keeps proving itself as a birthplace for new ideas and inventions in Australia.